School Health Services

Investing In Our Children’s Health

Students’ health is directly related to their academic performance and for the past 30+ years, the Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Litchfield County is proud to play a crucial role in the seamless provision of comprehensive health services to children and youth within the town of Granby.

The Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Litchfield County remains under contract with the town of Granby’s Board of Education to provide health services within the school day perusant to standards set by Connecticut’s State Board of Education in consultation with the Department of Public Health.

As of 2021, the town of Granby serves approximately 1759 students within four schools. Each school staffs a registered school nurse during regular school hours.

School nurses provide a wide range of services to students and faculty, including health appraisal, education, counseling & guidance, school and community liason, health promotion and safety.